Цель объединения “Экономические и электромеханические дисциплины”

формирование компетенций, подготовка высококвалифицированных и конкурентоспособных специалистов с высокой культурой, востребованность на рынке труда, лидерство в выбранной сфере профессиональной деятельности.

The association of technical and mechanical disciplines includes 7 qualified teachers with knowledge. Let ‘s focus on the qualitative composition:

The level of education of teachers

Academic degrees of teachers

History is a testimony of the past of our deeds, an example of our modern, and a noble asset of our future. Мигель де Сервантес

History is a testimony of the past of our deeds, an example of our modern, and a noble asset of our future. Мигель де Сервантес

Professional development work

The members of the association improve their knowledge in order to keep up with the currents of time and meet the new standards of education. In particular, over the past 3 years, the members of the association have fully completed advanced training courses.

The work of the association

Post (record) it is put from the news!

Unification members

“If we teach today the way we taught yesterday, we will steal from children tomorrow”

John Dewey

Borangazieva Madina Omirgazyevna

teacher of special subjects

Total work experience 2 years,

Teaching experience 2 years

Akzhigitov Ermek Akhmetuly

teacher of special subjects

Total work experience of 13 years,

Teaching experience of 11 years.

Teacher of the I category

Kalieva Fatiha Zhanakhmetovna

teacher of special subjects

Total work experience 34 years,

Teaching experience 3 years

Mataibayeva Asel Ergazievna

teacher of special subjects

Total work experience of 9 years,

Teaching experience of 9 years.

Teacher of the I category

Sharipov Arhat Amanzholovich

teacher of special subjects

Total work experience of 7 years,

Teaching experience of 7 years.

Teacher of the II category

Абдишева Қамар Оралгазиевна

Арнайы пәндер оқытушысы

Жалпы еңбек өтілі 18 жыл, педагогикалық еңбек өтілі 7 жыл. Екінші санатты оқытушы. Колледжішілік, облыстық алғыс хаттар, мадақтамалар иегері