Specialty 1304000 "Computers and Software (by type)" is based on basic secondary education (grade 9) and secondary education (grade 11).

The staff of 3 qualifications in this specialty is trained

As for the training conditions:

On the basis of basic secondary education (9th grade):

On the basis of secondary education (11th grade)

Students of the specialty have the following competencies (according to the chosen qualification):

130401 2 "Digital Information Processing Specialist"

  • Using software and software on a PC;
  • Using hardware on a PC;
  • Using peripherals on a PC;
  • Setting up and using local and local area networks;
  • Performing maintenance on a PC;
  • Отключить электрические и электронные цепи;Disconnect electrical and electronic circuits;
  • Development of user programs with high-level programming languages;
  • Organization of technical work and professional paperwork;Organization of technical work and professional paperwork;

130408 2 "Setter of electronic computing machines"

  • Introduction of the use of computer technology;
  • Health diagnostics to eliminate hardware malfunctions on the PC;
  • Diagnostics of the development of incorrect activation of equipment on a PC;
  • Installation of user interfaces and installation of work lines on the PC and server;
  • Administrative classification of an active server on a PC;
  • Configuring and configuring peripherals;
  • Application software and software, troubleshooting, performance improvement;
  • Optimization and solution of PC configuration based on customer requirements;
  • Removal and modernization of peripherals and equipment, servers and PCs;

130404 3 «Programmer technician"

  • Mastering the methods of mechanical design and automatic information processing;
  • Use of computer technology, rules for processing and use of information;
  • Development of mechanized technologies and automatic information processing;
  • Ability to work with computer equipment and layouts, instructions, programs and other control materials during operation;
  • Creation of types of technical information, storage rules;
  • Working with counting, encryption, and coding systems;
  • Knowledge of basic formal languages;
  • Ability to work with databases;
  • Ability to create HTML and CSS;
  • Умение работать с несколькими продвинутыми программами;
  • Ability to work with several advanced programs;
  • Execution of written programs and professional documents;

Также специалисты, окончившие эту специальность, могут продолжить обучение в высших учебных заведениях. Желающие продолжить работу по специальности могут выбрать один из двух способов:

Служить себе

Предприятия и работа в учреждениях по специальности выпускника

According to world statistics, OT specialists are among the highest paid professions

Currently, graduates of our college in this specialty work in different parts of the country. Here are some of them: