1114000 -Welding business (by type) is based on secondary education (Grade 9) and general secondary education (Grade 11)
This specialty provides vocational education in 3 qualifications
111404 2 - Electric and gas welder
111402 2 - Gas Cutter
111406 3 - Mechanic technician
Learning conditions:
On the basis of basic secondary education (grade 9):
111404 2 - Electric and gas welder - 2 years and 10 months
111402 2 -Gas cutter - 2 years and 10 months
111406 3 Mechanic technician-3 years and 10 months
On the basis of general secondary education (11th grade):
111404 2 - Electric and gas welder - 1 year and 10 months
111402 2 -Gas cutter - 1 year and 10 months
111406 3 Mechanic technician - 2 years and 10 months
Students of the specialty have the following competencies (according to the chosen qualification):
111404 2 - Electric and gas welder
• Mechanical technician electric welding
• Welding on a contact machine
• Welding on electronic-beam welding devices
• Welding on automatic and semi-automatic machines
• Laser welding
• Welding on argonode machines
111402 2 - Gas Cutter
• Cutting with gas fire
• Gas fire welding
111406 3 Mechanic technician
• Electric arc welding and cutting
• Mastering the technologies of the welding process
• Maintenance and repair of electrical equipment
As well as specialists who have graduated from this specialty can continue their studies at higher educational institutions.
Those who wish to continue working in their specialty can choose one of 2 ways:
Serve yourself
Work at enterprises and institutions in the specialty
Currently, graduates of our college in this specialty work all over the country. Here are some of them:
2010 graduate of the KSCP "Polytechnic College of Ayagoz", winner of a red Diploma, Master of economic disciplines. Currently, he is a teacher of special disciplines of this college
2009 graduate of the KSCP "Polytechnic College of Ayagoz", winner of a red Diploma, Master of economic disciplines. Currently, he is a teacher of special disciplines of this college, an inspector of the personnel department